Today after work I got a call from mum asking me to meet her and a friend for a drink(s) at Magic City in Camberwell. The cafe was empty, and from friends' past reports I had the impression that the food/restaurant wasn't going to be anything too special...
It was about 4ish and we were feeling peckish so decided to have a look what the bar menu had to offer. I noticed the lunch menu seemed a little overpriced for lunch and we weren't starving- so thought small dishes would do the job.
We ordered the potato and bacon croquettes with capsicum jam ($12) as well as the salt + pepper fries ($8).
Salt + pepper fries and croquettes |
The croquettes were crunchy on the outside with a soft mashed potato inside. The chips weren't anything to rave about, just plain old fries sprinkled with a pepper and a little more salt than usual (although I lurve salt).
The dessert menu looked yum scrum (vanilla bean pannacotta, fresh figs, 30 year old balsamic $15), but the more wines mum consumed, the more time got away from us and it was almost dinner time- so no dessert goodies today.
I think it ended up being a more expensive wine filled afternoon (for mum- being the good daughter I am I drove :) than mum had originally bargained for. She got a $70 parking ticket as well which was a little awks...
Magic City
871 Burke Road, Camberwell